Trojan horse
signifying a hidden danger; following ten years of a futile siege of the
fortified city of Troy, the Greeks hid some of their warriors inside a wooden horse and
pretended to leave in their ships, which were actually concealed out of
sight. When the Trojans brought the huge wooden horse inside their walls
in celebration, the soldiers hidden inside emerged under cover of
darkness, opened the gates to the returned Greek army, and the Trojans were slaughtered.
Achilles' heel
meaning a single fatal vulnerability; the great Trojan War hero Achilles
was shot in the heel, which was his only vulnerable spot - It proved
deadly, even though he was supposed to be invulnerable. His mother
Thetis held him by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx in an attempt to render him
immortal, keeping that part of his anatomy mortal.
Stentorian roar
- Stentor was a herald of the Greeks at Troy, whose voice was as loud as
that of fifty other men together. His name has become proverbial for any
one who screams or shouts with an unusually loud voice.
- they
were in the army of Achilles, a ferocious and warlike Thessalian people
at the siege of Troy; the name today has come to mean a hired ruffian or
unscrupulous subordinate.
Scylla and
- these were two horrible monsters, which would torment
sailors who passed between them as they lurked on either side of a
narrow sea passage. If sailors went one way, Scylla would devour them;
the other way and Charybdis would make dinner of them! Being between
Scylla and Charybdis is the idiom derived from the myth, meaning "having
to choose between two evils", or "being between a rock and a hard
Siren voices
when the Trojan War hero Odysseus was sailing home following the war he
and his shipmates had to navigate past an alluring collection of
mermaids, which would sing so seductively that men would lose all
interest in home and instead steer towards them, and to their death;
Today it has come to mean any alluring or seductive temptation.
A Cassandra -
(always wrongly used to mean prophet of doom; never actually used of
somebody who is right). She correctly warned that the Trojans should not
bring the Trojan Horse inside their walls, as it was a Greek trick, but
she was disbelieved and the Trojans perished. Today the term has come to
signify someone who is a prophet of doom, even though Cassandra was
A Mentor
- Mentor
was entrusted by Odysseus to safeguard his son and kingdom while he went
off to fight in the Trojan War. When Odysseus returned home after twenty
years, Mentor, who had tutored prince Telemachus, helped Odysseus defeat
the pesky suitors that had set up camp inside his palace. The term
mentor today refers to someone who acts as a teacher or spiritual
Web, myth narration and graphics created and
maintained by Nick Pontikis
Copyright © 1995 Nick Pontikis
Thanasi's Olympus Greek
Copyright 1999
The Myth Man persona copyright 1988 Nick Pontikis